News and Stories

UPDATE: California Rain

November 09, 2015


Over .50” of rain fell in the Salinas Valley yesterday; more rain is expected later this morning and into the afternoon. Some growers have elected to cancel harvests, resuming tomorrow. The San Joaquin (Central) Valley growing region also received some rain last night; more is forecast for today, causing some citrus and grape harvest disruptions.


Salinas Valley and Huron, California 

  • Another .50” of rain is expected today in Salinas, while .25” is expected in Huron
  • Any harvesting done today will be slow due to muddy field conditions 
  • Green leaf and romaine supplies are extremely tight due to the combination of limited production caused by the rain and the end of the Salinas season; most growers are preparing for the move to the Arizona/California desert growing region
  • Elevated Mechanical damage, mildew, mildew damage, pre-mature pinking, and shortened shelf-life could become problems
  • Prices will continue to rise

Central Valley (San Joaquin Valley)

  • Light rain fell in the Central Valley on Sunday night; more is expected today
  • Citrus harvesting has been delayed; supplies are adequate, but could tighten by the end of the week
  • The grape season has ended due to the recent rains
    • Remaining stocks are in storage
    • Growers will monitor supply and demand over the next six to eight weeks

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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