News and Stories

UPDATE: Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash

January 08, 2016


Cold weather and rain in Florida and Mexico will cause prices to spike next week. Limited supplies and elevated markets are forecast through January.



  • Cool temperatures along with a daily chance of showers are in the forecast through next week
  • Rain in the growing regions of Homestead and Loxahatchee will slow harvests
  • Quality will be fair: expect bruising, light color, scarring, and stem decay
  • Low volume is shifting demand to Mexico where supplies are also strained
  • Expect prices to remain strong until weather improves


  • Inconsistent weather patterns including showers and cloud cover have interrupted plant growing cycles
  • Colder-than-normal temperatures, especially at night, have stunted growth
  • Plants need consistent heat to reach full production
  • Expect small size to dominate supplies
  • Typically by this time, the southern state of Culiacan (the main winter growing region in Mexico) would be in full production
  • Cold temperatures with a chance of frost are forecast through this weekend

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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